On Saturday 19 and Sunday 20 October, the WvCNL organizes the International CACIL Autumn Coursing Ronostrand 2024. The coursing takes place on the recreational beach of Camping Ronostrand. (navigation address: Amerika 16, 9342 TC Een, navigation coordinates: 53.09978239287711, 6.372432055028296).

The coursing starts at 10 a.m., hand in coursing licenses, pay entry fee and vet check between 7:30 and 9 a.m.
The registration fee is €32.50 for the first dog, €30 for each subsequent dog from the same owner. The program sheet is free.
The provisional breed schedule is as follows.
Saturday 19 October: Azawakh, Basenji, Borsoi, Italian Greyhound, Saluki, Silken Windsprite, Sloughi, Whippet males
Sunday 20 October: Afghan Hound, Chart Polski, Cirneco dell’Etna, Deerhound, Galgo Español, Greyhound, Irish Wolfhound, Magyar Agár, Pharao Hound, Podenco Andaluz, Podenco Canario, Podenco Ibicenco, Podengo Português, Whippet females
The breed schedule may still change as a result of registrations for the coursing.
From Sunday September 1 at 8:00 PM (CET) you can register online for the Autumn Coursing here.
It is possible to run a license run prior to the coursing. The costs for this are €5.00 per dog.
Registration closes on Wednesday, October 9, 2024 at 8:00 PM, or when the maximum number of dogs to be registered has been reached.
To be eligible for the CACIL certificate, your dog must be in possession of a CACIL starting license. On the online registration form you indicate whether you want to compete for the CACIL certificate or not.
To be eligible for the CACNL certificate, you must submit proof of an EX-qualification obtained at a national (CAC) show in the Netherlands or abroad, at the minimum age of 15 months, at the same time as registering. This can be done by uploading it via the online registration form.
You can unsubscribe via the coursing office, by e-mail: wedstrijdsecretaris@wvcnl.nl
If you cancel after registration has closed, the registration fee remains due to the WvCNL. The closing date is the registration closing date stated on this page or the moment, earlier than this closing date, that the coursing office sends the official confirmations of participation to the participants.
On the Friday before the match, training will take place on Ronostrand from 4 p.m. Participation in this training is free for WvCNL members, non-members pay €5.00. From Sunday September 1 at 8:00 PM (CET) you can register online for this training here.

Spending the night on Ronostrand
Ronostrand is a beautiful campsite with beautiful spacious pitches. You camp close to the coursing field, which is located on the recreational beach of Ronostrand.
Ronostrand’s restaurant is open during the Autumn Coursing for a snack or a simple meal, but also for an extensive meal.
Camping on Ronostrand during the Autumn Coursing is possible at the reduced rate of €27.20 per night (including dogs, tourist tax and WiFi).
You can make a reservation for camping on Ronostrand via the online registration form for the Autumn Coursing.
If you do not have your own camping equipment, it is also possible to rent a mobile home or luxury tent on Ronostrand. Please contact Ronostrand reception directly for this.
The Dutch Commission for Sighthound Racing (CvW) provides the Dutch judges for this competition. You can find the recent judge schedule here.
Roy Tore Trøan (NO), Serge Vivan (BE), Sylvie Couneson (BE) and Bernd Rahms (DE) are the invited international judges.